Equality applies here
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Say hi to your next hire

the Field is a new job site built to connect job seekers with disability with jobs from employers wanting to hire more inclusively.

Join organisations already on the Field including:

  • Medibank
  • Nike
  • Lavazza
  • Aesop
  • BHP
  • The Guardian Australia
  • REA Group
  • Bunnings

We support employers to connect with a largely untapped marketplace of the close to 500,000 people with disability actively looking for work in Australia, who have talent and capability in all industries, roles and at all levels.

Founded by Dylan Alcott, AO, and designed and built by people with disability, at the Field accessibility and inclusivity are at the core of everything we do.

We benefit you through:

ATS integration to streamline hiring process.*

Customised packages.

Dedicated account management and Customer Support to support you at every stage.

*Dependent on ATS provider

Did you know?

There are currently 500,000 people with disability actively looking for work.

Employment equality for people with disability has not changed in over 28 years when compared to people without disability.

89% of top career sites fail to meet accessibility standards.

Companies that lead the competition in disability inclusion have achieved:

Higher profit
Three photos - a woman in purple sitting, a man in blue walking and a woman sitting cross-legged in her wheelchair

Find out more about hiring inclusively - visit www.theField.jobs

Diverse workforces better reflect a business’s surrounding community and customer base. They also enhance a business’s image and brand among its staff, community and customers.

Australian Human Rights Commission